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Your order
PREVIEW | Product | Quantity | Price / unit | Price / total | |
{{ }} - {{ item.year }} - {{ item.size }}
{{ item.description }}
Product not available!
CHF {{ parseFloat(item.price).toFixed(2) }}
CHF {{ parseFloat(item.price * item.quantity).toFixed(2) }}
You can add
{{ checkoutDetails.addMore }}x bottles
to your cart for the same shipping cost.
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CHF {{ checkoutDetails.subTotal }}
CHF {{ }}
VAT 7.7%
CHF {{ checkoutDetails.vat }}
CHF {{ }}
Shipping cost:
- 6 bottles CHF 10.00
- 12 bottles CHF 18.00
- 24 bottles CHF 36.00
- 36 bottles CHF 44.00
- 60 bottles CHF 55.00
Delivery terms and conditions
Ou prices are calculated per bottle; packaging and VAT included. One box can contain different types of wine.
We only deliver in Switzerland and for a maximum of 60 Bottles. For orders over 60 bottles and special requests, please contact us per email or phone.
The red wines of the latest vintage are available as of September the year following the harvest(reds 2017 available in October 2018).
{{ checkout.stepThreeBox.title }}
{{ checkout.stepThreeBox.description }}